The network of experts and media for evidence-based policy making launched its third campaign to assess and promote the digital skills of the Europeans
You experience them every time you go online, you keep hearing about them, but do you really know what they’re alla bout? We’re talking about the two combined forces governing much of our activities on and off-line: the explosion of big data sources and their analysis through AI supported systems. The future evolution of this sector needs to be understood carefully if our societies want to develop a skilled workforce able to profit from this revolution. Read more >
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The Roomba 980 model vacuum (the one that cleans your floor on its own) uses AI to scan...
If so, then there’s little reason to think that it will stop there. Machines will...
Although big data is very good at detecting correlations, especially subtle correlations...
Think about it carefully, as a human your interactions are ever more often mpt simply woth other humans, but with smart and connected machines. This network is evolving into an “internet of everything” as wireless platforms and cloud services bring new benefits to individual citizens as connected homes, hospitals and cars, as well as for businesses as the Industry 4.0 revolution, blockchain-based services and the opportunities offered by digital transformation of companies and services. Read more >
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In order to make buildings more efficient and competitive, digitization of housing plays...
E-mobility is already a reality and its sustainability also passes through the Internet...
Current advertising suffers from excess and poor targeting. Even with today's analytics,...
To understand how your behaviour in the digital world may provide you a better protection you need to understand where and how your personal data is collected, organized and secured. This knowledge might sound very technical and nerdy, but it is crucial for anyone venturing in the digital to take advantage of new services both in the commercial and in the public world from ecommerce and ebanking to digital identities, e-gov, and e-consultations. Read more >
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Gaining a level 7 degree offers...
A good blog always comes-up with new and exciting information and while reading I have feel...
Some people regard privacy and security as pretty much the same thing. That’s because...
Dr. Berg, winner of the 1980 Nobel Prize in chemistry, was also troubled by the potential risks of gene... Read More
ChatGPT is a conversational AI project from OpenAI that's been generating funny and sometimes insightful... Read More
President Biden said he wants to foster research on early-cancer-detection blood tests through his cancer... Read More
Even as he touts his social media prize, it’s the titan’s closely held brain-based start-up that... Read More
In September 2018 REIsearch launched a citizen engagement and media campaign on the skills for a digital Europe. The campaign was timed to create a synergy with the release of the third beta version of REIsearch sporting new features as the “Ask the Reasearcher” a new function automatically routing users questions on digital matters to the most appropriate experts. Coherently with previous editions, the aim was to stimulate public awareness on the skills needed both by workers and citizens as well as develop a debate between policymakers, scientists and citizens and better understand the evidence, the constraints and the opinions of citizens across Europe.
On October 14, the campaign went public, with dedicated articles published both on the paper and online editions of Atomium media partners, including Der Standard, El País, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Público, Il Sole24ore, Les Echos and Euroscientist.
Elsevier and the European Commission’s DG Connect facilitated the engagement of researchers through their social media channels. Based on readership, the potential public reached by the campaign was equal to over 5,7 million Europeans.
Media partners were asked to run at least three stories: one at the kick-off of the campaign presenting the game and with a supporting story on digital competences of young europeans and one within three weeks from that with the data gathered through the platform.
The campaign ran for 3 weeks and 20 articles were published around four main topics: (i) social and new media (ii) big data and AI (iii) IoT and (vi) cybersecurity and privacy.
The online articles contained a link to a gamified questionnaire, the iNerd game, accessible online in a responsive format automatically adapting to mobile devices.
The social media campaign was also run in parallel with the article publications. The social media campaign reached approximately 1 Million people across all media channels as detailed further on. The data above, as figures below, date from the end of October 2018 and are evolving as the campaign remains active beyond the completion of the present project. This has translated into:
Social and New Media
You probably share a good amount of your thoughts and images online, but do you know what is actually happening behind your screen? Algorithms have a growing impact in the circulation of information and contribute in generating filter bubbles and echo chambers. However, they are also an opportunity to diversify our information diet opening new spaces for freedom of expression and longer term systemic effects of digital media. Read more >
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A new information age
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, Director of Research at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism talks about digital media and the news, algorithmic serendipity, echo chambers and filter bubbles. Read more
Life in a social world
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, Director of Research at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism talks about privacy, Cambridge Analytica, Facebook, ad targeting and political campaigns. Read more
The challenges
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, Director of Research at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism talks about payed and second rank news, platforms and the crucial importance of media literacy. Read more
The Infosphere
Luciano Floridi, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information and Director of the Digital Ethics Lab, at the Oxford Internet Institute, talks about social media, infospheres, space, Newton, Einstein... Read more
Digital Democracy
Luciano Floridi, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information and Director of the Digital Ethics Lab, at the Oxford Internet Institute, talks about politics, digital tech, social media, platforms... Read more
The way ahead
Luciano Floridi, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information and Director of the Digital Ethics Lab, at the Oxford Internet Institute talks about onlife, digital governance, diversity, rules, frameworks... Read more
Selected articles on: Social and New Media
Fear of missing out and problematic social media use as mediators between emotional support from social media and phubbing behavior
Social media and the modern scientist: a research primer on social media-based research, dissemination, and sharing
Social Media Use and Perceived Social Isolation Among Young Adults in the U.S.
The Prevalence and Utility of Vascular Surgery Training Programs’ and Vascular Societies’ Social Media Presence
Doing social media analytics
Perilaku Pengguna Media Sosial beserta Implikasinya Ditinjau dari Perspektif Psikologi Sosial Terapan
Social Media and Its Role in Marketing
LinkedLegal: Investigating social media as evidence in courtrooms
Social achievement goals and social media
Cyberbullying victimization at work: Social media identity bubble approach
Social media use improves executive functions in middle-aged and older adults: A structural equation modeling analysis
Unpacking the black box: How to promote citizen engagement through government social media during the COVID-19 crisis
Spatial biases in crowdsourced data: Social media content attention concentrates on populous areas in disasters
Social Media: A Critical Introduction
Social media usage, social support, intergenerational relationships, and depressive symptoms among older adults
Attachment style moderates the relationship between social media use and user mental health and wellbeing
Role stressors, job satisfaction, and employee creativity: The cross-level moderating role of social media use within teams
Social media overload, exhaustion, and use discontinuance: Examining the effects of information overload, system feature overload, and social overload
Advances in Social Media Research: Past, Present and Future
Social media capital: Conceptualizing the nature, acquisition, and expenditure of social media-based organizational resources
Social Media its Impact with Positive and Negative Aspects
Social media use and consumer shopping preferences
Consumer response towards social media advertising: Effect of media interactivity, its conditions and the underlying mechanism
Social Media Management
Engagement with Social Media and Social Media Advertising: The Differentiating Role of Platform Type
A Meta-Analysis of the Association Between Adolescent Social Media Use and Depressive Symptoms
Users’ ethical perceptions of social media research: Conceptualisation and measurement
Social media, news media and the stock market
Social media and fake news in the 2016 election
Social media and HIV: A systematic review of uses of social media in HIV communication
Hot topics in social media and reproductive health
Social media sentimentas an additional performance measure? Examples from iconic theme park destinations
The future of social media in marketing
Komunikasi dan Media Sosial (Communications and Social Media)
Children and adolescents and digital media
How is extraversion related to social media use? A literature review
Social media use following exposure to an acute stressor facilitates recovery from the stress response
Measuring emotional contagion in social media
Social Media Fingerprints of Unemployment
The Political Significance of Social Media Activity and Social Networks
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