The road ahead

Rob van Kranenburg, Founder of IoT Council, Ecosystem Manager for EU projects Tagitsmart and Next Generation Internet talks about the splinternet, protocols, security, governance, basic income, Robert Reich and millenials.

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Well there's no doubt that there is no stopping this internet of things. It means that every object will either get some passive tagging or will get some active capacity to actually send information whether this will be IPv6 or IP based is unsure. There is another term called splinternet and this means that systems are moving away from the internet because the internet is running on IP and is fundamentally unsecure. Of course also what we know now with the Snowden papers is that it is impossible to run the internet without having the NSA basically reading you because the whole system is flawed from the start. The people who thought out the net and the protocols are with Google since 2005. I was at the Marconi lectures a few years ago when I was basically outlining this that it was problematic that the same people that set the protocols were running all the rewards in terms of data and he agreed. He knows that there have been some either planned or unplanned repercussions a side effect of these protocols. This protocol is a historical moment. We don't have to go and continue this. So what is happening especially with blockchain is that people are thinking about new protocols. And these new protocols should be in devices and systems and they should build a new system in which security becomes a real service, not some kind of add on. That's exactly what we are proposing that we do in Europe--that we build our own system. We look at the internet as a historical situation not as a given, not as something that we should perpetuate. We look at the situation which at the moment in Europe we do not run clouds, we do not own or run platforms, we have no governance for the internet of things. The only reason why we have some good region doing things and in Europe is Germany because Angela Merkel is an engineer and automotive cars went to her 10 years ago and said we lose manufacturing for Germany if we don't act, and she acted. So what we need, and this is what we are actually doing in innovation internet with our team, is we're going all across Europe to set up meetings and tomorrow I'm going to be in Montenegro, I just came back from Denmark talking to the engineers and it's really spreading like wildfire. All across Europe people are beginning to see that we need new governance models, new government structures, and it all boils down to owning your own data, having your data sovereignty. And this means that we are setting up meetings and running really high level policy, doing really a lot policy talks in ministerial levels in countries across Europe that actually think about building their own systems, which means owning the infrastructure, doing your own spectrum management, having your own cloud and doing this with device management. So I'm very positive that we are beginning to see people coming together on internet of things, blockchain, FinTech from a social point of view that one more public agency that are very happy with the way that Europe is actually evolved as a democratic, public, body of institutions that we all agree that it is best to live in any part of the world--it's here.



The only way to have internet of things and not to have a revolution is to have basic income. And that's basically me--I'm also saying this of course but this was also Robert Reich who was the former minister of labor in the United States saying this I think 4 or 5 years ago. There's no way that we can continue the way we are going with this notion of jobs. This whole notion of job, and having a job, being employed, unemployed is ridiculous in itself specially with 40-50 youth unemployment percent in Spain, Greece, and Italy. So it's really ridiculous to even have people believe that they have a job, should have a job, or not have a job, and that this job is 8 hours a day working somewhere, going somewhere with the boss you have a job.  Ridiculous nonsense. It is all about tasks and skills and a world on this new level in this new ontology on internet of things has no place for the very notion of a job which is coming from let's say 16-17-18-19 century way of thinking. It is extremely cruel to all our millennials who is basically anybody under 35 who actually have so many skills, so much intelligence, so much knowledge and then have to go through life being a bit depressed that they don't have a job or something. Jesus, this is totally ridiculous! So basic income is the only viable option to go with this notion of internet of things because the amount of AI that will take white collar jobs is going to be enormous.



There is a book that came in the fifties called Midwich Cuckoos. In that book there is a village and in the village all the women get pregnant at the same time. And everybody gets upset and then they decide not to fuss too much about it and the kids get born and they're really beautiful babies--beautiful girls, beautiful boys. There is one philosopher in the village and he is realizing that all the boys when they learn something the other boys they learn it too and with the girls it is the same. So he's beginning to understand that he is in trouble and his entire generation is in trouble because he is a standalone guy and he's facing this kind of telepathic generation that is seamlessly aware of things. It has been magical. So in the end of this book by John Wyndham, Midwich Cuckoos, the philosopher takes a truck of explosives and blows up all the kids. Now unfortunately we cannot blow up all our millennials because it is a bit too many. That's basically like David Bowie said that the internet was an alien technology, that's what we are facing. So like I said, we come from this paradigm of the book. In 1452 we could have made everybody literate. In the space of the net that would have been 50 years. So, it would have been the same as in 1500 everybody would have been literate, but we know that it wasn't and that power distributed learning tools and stop learning tools for about 450 years. So all these institutions being built with this notion of slowing down and not sharing, are now facing a group of people, a billion I would say across the world, everybody under 35, who may as well be alien. They've grown up in this connectivity which is the web. As I was making websites in the eighties already but not on the web but with Hyper Guard and DreamWeaver and all these things we didn't think about repercussions because for us it was liberation.  My stuff was breaking out and sort of killing the author and then we took it to the link and we clicked ourselves away. It was brilliant and beautiful, but we didn't really understand what it would mean for somebody growing up in that now. The people growing up in that, they have no relationship with this world as they see it whatsoever. For them it is just alien and it is alien because it is built on totally different principles. It is built on violence, built on greed, built on not sharing, it is built on notions of exclusivity, not inclusivity. So the moment you close down your devices everything seems to be strange. And it is strange. This is the good thing. The good thing is this is how power shifts. The more people we get that actually think that this world is strange and not the world of the of the web, not the computer's not to the world of WWW and the internet which is actually the real world to me. The more people start believing that it is that type of connectivity that we want and not the way that this world is making, things are going to change. And things are changing. So there's no way need to skill any of these millennials. I would advise any millennial at this moment to walk out of school, to walk out of every university, to walk out of every course, to get together and set up meetings just with millennials--just between you--and pull the plug of this system.