Selected articles on Cybersecurity and Privacy


Cybersecurity and Privacy Solutions in Smart Cities

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 2017 | Khatoun, Rida; Zeadally, Sherali


Cybersecurity and Privacy Solutions in Smart Cities

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 2017 | Khatoun, Rida; Zeadally, Sherali


PRACIS: Privacy-preserving and aggregatable cybersecurity information sharing

Elsevier. 2017 | Fuentes García Romero de Tejada, José María de; González Manzano, Lorena; Estévez Tapiador, Juan Manuel; Peris López, Pedro


A Game-Theoretic Taxonomy and Survey of Defensive Deception for Cybersecurity and Privacy

. 2017 | Pawlick, Jeffrey; Colbert, Edward; Zhu, Quanyan


Enhancing cybersecurity by safeguarding information privacy. The European Union and the implementation of the “data protection by design” approach

ACM. 2018 |


Cybersecurity in European Union and In Mercosur: Big Data and Surveillance Versus Privacy and Data Protection On the Internet

Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Direito (CONPEDI). 2016 | Rafaela Bolson Dalla Favera; Rosane Leal da Silva


Chapter 5: The relationship between user religiosity and preserved privacy in the context of social media and cybersecurity

Emerging Cyber Threats and Cognitive Vulnerabilities. 2020-12-31 | Rami Baazeem; Alaa Qaffas


Chapter Eight: Privacy Requirements in Cybersecurity Applications of Blockchain

Advances in Computers. 2018-12-31 | Louise Axon; Michael Goldsmith; Sadie Creese


Cybersecurity and privacy in standards for smart grids – A comprehensive survey

Computer Standards & Interfaces. 2018-02-28 |


Blockchain's roles in strengthening cybersecurity and protecting privacy

Telecommunications Policy. 2017-11-30 |


Port cybersecurity and threat: A structural model for prevention and policy development

The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics. 2020-06-14 |


Cybersecurity vulnerability mitigation framework through empirical paradigm: Enhanced prioritized gap analysis

Future Generation Computer Systems. 2020-04-30 | Sri Nikhil Gupta Gourisetti; Michael Mylrea; Hirak Patangia


Cybersecurity: Nurses on the Front Line of Prevention and Education

Journal of Nursing Regulation. 2020-01-31 | Jessica L. Kamerer; Donna McDermott


PRACIS: Privacy-preserving and aggregatable cybersecurity information sharing

Computers & Security. 2017-08-31 | José M. de Fuentes; Lorena González-Manzano; Juan Tapiador; Pedro Peris-Lopez


Cybersecurity and its integration with safety for transport systems: not a formal fulfillment but an actual commitment

Transportation Research Procedia. 2020-12-31 |


Cultivating cybersecurity learning: An integration of self-determination and flow

Computers & Security. 2020-09-30 | Hwee-Joo Kam; Philip Menard; Dustin Ormond; Robert E. Crossler


Cybersecurity Challenges for PACS and Medical Imaging

Academic Radiology. 2020-05-15 | Marco Eichelberg; Klaus Kleber; Marc Kämmerer


Cybersecurity in Science and Medicine: Threats and Challenges

Trends in Biotechnology. 2020-03-18 | Frank Luh; Yun Yen


Risk as affect: The affect heuristic in cybersecurity

Computers & Security. 2020-03-31 | Paul van Schaik; Karen Renaud; Christopher Wilson; Jurjen Jansen; Joseph Onibokun


SEC's cybersecurity disclosure guidance and disclosed cybersecurity risk factors

International Journal of Accounting Information Systems. 2018-09-30 | He Li; Won Gyun No; Tawei Wang